Youthful And Useful


Read: 1 Samuel 3:1-11

MEMORISE: Then the boy Samuel ministered to the LORD before Eli… (1 Samuel 3:1).

As far as God is concerned, age is not a barrier when He needs an instrument of valour. No matter the complaints, God will not take any excuse from you when He wants to use you or any of your children. The reason is, He has chosen you as His vessel before you were born. You remember the young Jeremiah (Jer. 1:4-10). It is a thing of joy for you to be chosen by God in your youthful days.
Samuel was a boy when God started using him. Dried fish cannot be bent again. It has assumed its permanent position. It is only ready to be broken into pieces. God has destined everyone for positive purpose in life. One of such purposes is to be useful for Him. In the vineyard of God, there are many works for both young and old. God is interested in using you when you are young. There are many spiritual gifts in His storehouse to pour on you as a youth. It shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh, your sons and your daughters shall prophesy (Joel 2:28).
This is an era that God is looking for the youths in the society to use for the work of the gospel. You must make your own contributions to the end time harvest of God. Satan is seriously using many youths in drug pushing, hooliganism, smoking, music, fashions and in the exhibition of devilish character and rituals. God is waiting and counting on you to release yourself to Him as youth to go and rescue some for Him. Now do the following: Dedicate your life, time and talents to Him. Determine to serve Him at this end time. Refuse to be discouraged by situations around. Discover your spiritual gifts and use them for the Lord. Join one or two units in the house of God. Be prayerful and live a holy life before God. Ask for more anointing to be useful in His vineyard. More grace to you!

1. I thank You Father because You will use me today in Your vineyard.
2. Father, I pray for the anointing to be useful before You at this my youthful age.
3. Father, turn all the hearts of our youths to You and let them serve You alone.


Do faith in God and science contradict?

Science is defined as 'the observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena.' Science is a method that mankind can use to gain a greater understanding of the natural universe. It is a search for knowledge through observation. Advances in science demonstrate the reach of human logic and imagination. However, a Christian's belief in science should never be like our belief in God. A Christian can have faith in God and respect for science, as long as we remember which is perfect and which is not.

Our belief in God is a belief of faith. We have faith in His Son for salvation, faith in His Word for instruction, and faith in His Holy Spirit for guidance. Our faith in God should be absolute, since when we put our faith in God, we depend on a perfect, omnipotent, omniscient Creator. Our belief in science should be intellectual and nothing more. We can count on science to do many great things, but we can also count on science to make mistakes. If we put faith in science, we depend on imperfect, sinful, limited, mortal men. Science throughout history has been wrong about many things, such as the shape of the earth, powered flight, vaccines, blood transfusions, and even reproduction. God is never wrong.

Truth is nothing to fear, so there is no reason for a Christian to fear good science. Learning more about the way God constructed our universe helps all of mankind appreciate the wonder of creation. Expanding our knowledge helps us to combat disease, ignorance, and misunderstanding. However, there is danger when scientists hold their faith in human logic above faith in our Creator. These persons are no different from anyone devoted to a religion; they have chosen faith in man and will find facts to defend that faith.

Still, the most rational scientists, even those who refuse to believe in God, admit to a lack of completeness in our understanding of the universe. They will admit that neither God nor the Bible can be proved or disproved by science, just as many of their favorite theories ultimately cannot be proved or disproved. Science is meant to be a truly neutral discipline, seeking only the truth, not furtherance of an agenda.

Much of science supports the existence and work of God.  Psalm 19:1 says, 'The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands.' As modern science discovers more about the universe, we find more evidence of creation. The amazing complexity and replication of DNA, the intricate and interlocking laws of physics, and the absolute harmony of conditions and chemistry here on earth all serve to support the message of the Bible. A Christian should embrace science that seeks the truth, but reject the 'priests of science' who put human knowledge above God.

• Anything beyond human ability is called a miracle.
• The debt that your debtor could not pay can be recovered from his lineage by the power of the communion.
• The man who remembers others, remembers also creator.
• My litter children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth. - 1 John 3:18
• Empower me, O Lord, to daily deny worldly and dishonourable affections and desires, in the name of Jesus.


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