God's Love For All


TEXT: LUKE 2:1-10

INTRODUCTION: Luke was the author of this book, and he wrote the Gospel to the Gentiles in order to provide a full accurate record of all that Jesus began both to do and teach, until the day in which He was taken up. The text gives a vivid description of events that preluded the birth of the Messiah and what happened at His birth.
     However, reading through this particular stretch of the Bible, there are some facts that cannot be ignored or questioned such as:
1. Obedience to constituted authority aligns one with God's plan (Micah 5:2)
2. God didn't promise us a smooth ride. Rather, He promised guidance and divine providence by enduing us His strength so as to make His eternal plan come to pass.
3. He was born in a manger as against Jewish expectation. Never look in one direction while waiting on God.
4. His annunciation to the shepherds portrays how anxious they (Jews) were to receive the good news.
5. The annunciation also shows who he has come for - 'All'. He accepts you as you are.

CONCLUSION: This is who God is - In Christ, the Friend of sinners, God is attracted to those who feel themselves least attractive. The grace of the gospel qualifies those who feel themselves most unqualified. As we, His people, the mercy we have received vertically should extend itself out horizontally in tangible acts of sacrificial love of our neighbours. Romans 10:13, John 3:17, Eccl. 12:13.


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