Our Daily Work


READ PSALM 103:1-4

MEMORISE: For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. (Eph 2:10)

To work is to serve, and service is rendered by the servants. By implication, whoever renders a service or the other is a servant. A servant cannot please himself, but the one whom he serves who determines and directs the work to be done, directly or indirectly, and has the power to judge and pass comment on the work, either for commendation or condemnation, as the case may be.
No matter the status of the person rendering service, the bottom line is that he is a servant. And the status of the person being served notwithstanding, he is the one that will pass the judgment - the customer is always right.
But in respect to God, He is not just the person who enjoys our service; He made us for the service and commits the service into our hands. We are therefore responsible to Him as long as He gives the grace to be alive here on earth. If we fail to know the purpose of God for our lives, we are done for it. God therefore is the believer's All-In-All - the Creator, the Redeemer, the One who engages us ("Employer") and the Judge. Do your daily work with the SPIRIT OF GOD because you will be rewarded by Him
Make sure you think about God in all your endeavours today and always, doing every work/thing unto His praise and glory (Col 3:17,23). The Psalmist reminds you that He forgives you, heals you, delivers you and loads you with all benefits, not for selfish reasons, but for His praise.

1. Lord, help me not to disappoint You.
2. Pray that God should open your eyes and enable you to meet the need of the needy around you.
3. Pray that the leadership and membership of the Church in Nigeria will take Missions more seriously.


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