The Reason For Your Affliction


READ: Psalms 119:67

I will return again to My place till they acknowledge their offense. Then they will seek My face; In their affliction they will earnestly seek Me. (Hosea 5;15)

Hardly would anyone come to this world without facing series of challenges from one point to the other. Affliction causes pain, suffering, distress or agony. It is a tool in the hands of both God and the devil, but differently. Whichever way it comes, your reaction tells what happens after. It can lead to salvation or otherwise, depending on how one reacts to it. The Israelites were afflicted in Egypt, so they could be strengthened to possess their promised land that was then still being occupied by ungodly people (Gen. 15:14ff). The same people were later afflicted in Babylon for their disobedience. Jesus has not promised us challenges -- free life (John 16:33).
Considering our text for today, affliction can be caused by going astray from the will of God. Most times, believers, who have found divine grace to become comfortable in life, face the danger of forsaking God who had blessed them. When one goes astray from God's presence, one automatically pitches his tent with the devil (Jn. 10:10a; Rom. 6:16). Such people are no longer under the shadow of the Almighty (Psa. 91:1). What a dangerous venture!
When we forsake God and His Word, we risk losing His perfect peace (Jn. 10:10b). If we are truly humble under affliction, no matter how it comes, our lives become better for it. We'll be like gold refined in God's furnace (Isa. 48:10). When affliction comes from God, it makes us better children of His. When it comes from enemy, our faith is being put to test, and we have God's grace to overcome (1 Cor. 10:13). However, it is terribly severe and painful when it is as a result of sin.
To overcome our trying times, we need to be humble, patient, enduring, and trust God for victory. We also must look inward when sin is involved, rather than blaming others or even God (1 Chro. 7:14). Seek God, pray and fast, study God's Word and be purified in the blood of His dear Son, Jesus. Affliction will not rise the second time in your life. Amen.

1. Lord, help me to see where I am wrong, rather than pointing accusing fingers at others.
2. Father, deliver brethren who are currently undergoing afflictions from the enemy.
3. Lord, help us to see and rely solely on You in challenging times.


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