New Altar Benefits

For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.
Psalm 30:5
Several benefits become accessible after you have pulled down all satanic altars, repaired the altar of the Lord and built a new altar unto God. First, you will be able to have your prayers answered instantly, according to Psalm 50:14-15. Also, your offering will be accepted as was the case with Abel in Genesis 4:3-5. One reason many prayers go unanswered is because for too long, the altars on which such prayers are offered are in disrepair. God is not just interested in your request but in the state of your heart and life. Another benefit is that your potentials will be activated. When the fire fell on Mount Carmel, it took up the offering to Heaven and consumed the firewood, turning the wood into fire. Every wood has the potential of becoming fire, which is a blessing in cooking and warming people’s homes. Within you, there is the potential of being a blessing to your generation and the world. God did not just create you to eat, drink and dress up; He created you for a definite purpose. The actualisation of your potentials will be determined by the state of your altar. How long will you neglect God’s altar? How long will you leave it in disarray?
A new altar will equally bring an end to hardship. When the fire fell on Mount Carmel, not only did the fire consume the firewood, it also consumed the rocks. A rock is a symbol of hardship. In other words, when obedience is adequately mobilised in the atmosphere of purity, it becomes a powerful weapon that breaks in pieces the toughest of rocks. This also tells us that the things men consider to be weak can actually be stronger than what they consider strong. Are you allowing this seemingly weak tool to break down the rock of hardship in your life? The Lord will terminate every hardship you may be going through presently in Jesus’ Name. In addition, the fire licked the water. If you repair the altar of the Lord and build a new altar, you will never be in sorrow again as His fire will dry up your tears. Hence, Psalm 30:5 says,
“For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.”
When you repair the broken altar and build another one, you are only helping yourself. Arise today and take out the things that have worked against God’s altar and begin to repair it now. Take out lies, lack of seriousness, excuses of lack of time, prayerlessness, etc. Ask God to rekindle you today.

Read: 1 Kings 18:30-39

Prayer Point:
Father, let me know the changes I need to effect to make your altar what you want it to be.


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