Prevailing Prayer


Read:  James 5:13-18

And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth produced its fruit (James 5:18)

Prayer is talking to God, and God also talking back to us. It goes beyond closing eyes, kneeling down, mountaineering and other spiritual rituals we put in prayer. It is an art and act. Though it is a noun, yet it is more of a verb (an action word) than a naming word. Somebody says: “While our preaching affects the pew; our prayers affects God,” How? Our prayers move God, if they are rightly channeled by right persons (Jas. 5:16b).
Prayer should be part and parcel of every Christian. This is because it builds and cements or reinforces our relationship with God.
Let us see 7 things that prayer does:
1. Prayer moves mountains Lk. 6?:12; Mk 11:24;
2. Prayer changes situations Acts 12:1-7;
3. Prayer moves the hand of God James 5:17;
4. Prayer solves problems James 5:15;
5. Prayer makes the impossible possible Mt. 17:21;
6. Prayer gives rest to the mind Mt 26:41
7. Prayer breaks iron bars Acts 12:1-7.
It is because prayer is answered that makes people to pray (1 Jhn 5:14).
Prayer, when said with godly motive and by the right person, is answered timely. You must persist to prevail in prayers. Jacob is a classic example. He wrestled in prayer and prevailed. The spiritual battle of life is won or lost in our prayers.
Some play while they should pray. Why won’t such turn prey for devil? Elijah was said to be a man of like passion, but are you like him in prayer? When answers seem not forthcoming, don’t stop praying, because when you stop praying you start sinning. You can only stop sinning when you start praying the way Christ wants it. May your prayer life be energized.

1. Lord, teach me how to pray prevailing prayers.
2. Practical: Pray to God regarding something specific, and exercise true faith to receive it.
3. Ask God to restore the spirit of right praying in our churches, so that the godly legacies we have received would not become history.


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