Beware Of Your Vulnerable Moments


Read: Mathew 4:1-11
MEMORISE: And when He had fasted forty days and forty nights, afterward He was hungry (Matthew 4:2).

Jesus knew the importance of seeking the face of the father before embarking on anything, hence, the conscious effort to follow the leading of Holy Spirit into the wilderness for a very long period of being alone with the omniscient God in fasting and prayer. Obviously, the 40-day-40-night fasting had emaciated Jesus as a man. Just imagine a man going without water for ten days. Jesus was hungry and thirsty.

 The situation of exceeding hunger and thirst put Jesus in a moment of being very vulnerable as a man. It is being said that a very hungry sheep can take feces, most especially if it walks with a dog in such a vulnerable moment. The tempter new this and quickly latch on to such an opportunity of hunger and thirst to bring Jesus down.

 Remember that there would always be such situations in your life when you are pushed to the wall because of some trying situations. It is at such points that the devil comes with godless counsels to mar you. Imagine a Christian bank cashiers’ cash to rectify the financial mess he finds himself at home. The end cannot be good.

 Jesus wasn’t lax. He didn’t loose His guard. He knew the devil could attack, just as we should know that the devil is always around to bring us down (1Pet. 5:8,9). Jesus had the weapon of God’s Word handy. The devil’s cunny didn’t catch Him.

 Beware of such moments when you are vulnerable-away from home and have to lodge in a hotel, living in a school hostel among co-students of opposite sex, put in the same office with opposite sex, entrusted with small or large sum of money, etc. ask God’s grace to overcome the tempter like Joseph and Jesus did. You will not fail. 

1.  Lord, help me in my vulnerable moments.
2.  Lord, let me not fumble whenever, wherever and however You choose to test my loyalty to  You.
3.  Pray for male teachers who are assigned to teach in girls’ schools, that they would not be falling to the antics of the devil to make them mesmerize with the destinies of such children.


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