It's No Game


Read Jeremiah 3:11-15​

“Return, O backsliding children," says the Lord; for I am married to you. I will take you, one from a city and two from a family, and I will bring you to Zion. (Jeremiah 3:14)​

A man with a missing index finger tells his story, how a snake bit him when the stick broke. He kept a 6-foot rattlesnake in a cage for a pet. One day, however, he took it into the living room and released it just to tease his wife. As she fled in terror, he quickly took a stick and placed it behind the reptile's head, holding it firmly to the floor. As the irritated snake twisted, the man pushed harder to maintain control. Suddenly the stick gave way with a loud crack. As quick as lightening, the rattler ached its back, with its deadly fangs filled with venom, struck the man on the hand. Medical treatment saved his life, but his finger had to be amputated.
Sin is like that rattlesnake. You can tease or play with it, but it will never be satisfied, until its poison is injected into your soul. Making a sport of sin is no game at all (Prov. 1:10-18). Do not be fooled. It is like embracing red-hot coals in one's bosom. No one does that without having himself to blame.
Christ Jesus came to this sinful and stinking world for just one purpose:to seek and to save that which was lost (Lk. 19:10). Have you received His salvation? If yes, are you keeping yourself from the pollution of this sin-laden generation?
Sin is no game, just as the poison of that rattlesnake was no fun. Allow the Holy Spirit to indwell you and direct your affairs and paths daily. Abide in Christ, that, when, He shall be manifested, you may have boldness, and not be ashamed before Him at His coming.

1. Ask God to forgive you at those junctions of your life that you have been playing with or tolerating sin and other forms of corruption.
2. Oh Lord, remove from me the foolishness of sinfulness.
3. Pray that God should help our teeming Christian Youths in school and the society, to stop playing with the fire of sin parading itself as civilization..


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