Hold None Down

Read Luke 11-1-4
Memorize: Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us. And lead us not into temptation (Luke 11:4).
Our Lord Jesus gave His disciples a genuine structure of prayer. In Luke 11:4, He gave a conditional point. By implication, if we don't forgive others, we ask God not to forgive us.
Unforgiving spirit s a spirit of bondage. He who holds another down, heads nowhere too, and misses the opportunities lying ahead. According to Jesus, you can only receive forgiveness from God, if you are not maliciously keeping anyone inside of you for any offence committed.
What oofence isn't pardonable? None. In Christ alone, we have redemption through His potent blood, with the forgiveness of our sins according to the riches of immediate and ultimate punishment, what then should anyone do to you that should warrant you holding it against such perpetually? Nothing, of course.
Quickly forgiving others is key to getting quick answers to prayers, enjoying peace with God, within yourself and with others, having joy and happiness all the time, sound health and prosperity, enjoying the flow of the Holy Spirit, enjoying the love of God, and ultimately, being enlisted in the book of life.
So, forgive without reservation. Absalom killed his brother Amnon two years after he had defiled Tamar (2 Sam. 13:23). Are you like that?
Prayer Points:
1. Lord, endow me with forgiving spirit, in Jesus' name.
2. Pray God to help our Church fully appreciate and appropriate His immeasurable blessings.
3. Help every believer (TODAY) to be sensitive to needs of those in need around them.


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