Created For Relationship

Read Genesis 1:26-31
Memorize: Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness (Genesis 1:26a).
The original purpose of man's creation was to have relatonship with God (Gen. 3:8).This was defeated in man's fall. However, the merciful God graciously moved to bring man back to Himself through Jesus. "Relatinship" is "the fact of being related or connected to by blood." "Blood" is the connecting link. Jesus shed His precious blood for man to have free access to God in personal relationship. Christ's death tore the O.T. veil into two, bridging the communicaton gap between God and man. Relationship also means, "staying in touch", whch develops from having meaningful time with God. God really wants to relate with man.
You want to have a proper relationship with God? You must have personally accepted Christ's lordship, because, enjoying God's presence in communion requires accepting His gift and becoming a member of His family. Jesus Christ is the indescribable and unspeakable gift of God, because in Him every other things consists (2 Cor. 9:15).
Also, you should have a regular time of meeting with Him to strengthen your relationship with Him (Psalm 63:1). This is called Quiet Time, a regular period of personal communion and worship with God. Added to this is that you must maintain fellowship with God's people (Heb. 10:25).
You are doing yourself a great deal of favour by staying connected to God, the source of your life and living. Be connected and remain in Him now and forever.
Prayer Points:
1. Help me, oh Lord, to remain connected to You.
2. Thank God for the indestructible establishment of His Church and the veracity and efficacy of the gospel.
3. Pray that the Lord God will help all the backsliders to come back to their willing and waiting Father.


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