True Liberty
Read: John 8:24-38
MEMORISE: And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free (John 8:32).
He who has never been a victim of slavery, bondage, or imprisonment, either literally or spiritually, may not be able to see liberty as something important. People only come to value something after they have missed or lost it. Nigerian historic leaders fought tooth and nail to ensure Nigeria attained independent status and here we are today, a Federal Republic. Little can only be said to recount and recall the travails, abuses, afflictions and depravity unleashed on Nigerian citizenry by the colonial over-lords!
However, spiritual enslave ones undergo more. To be spiritually bound, is worse than being physically chained. The devil, the task and slave master, controls the lives of those who have not identified with Christ. It is also surprising that one can be in total bondage but be claiming to be in freedom! This was the position of the Pharisees and Jewish religious leaders, when they countered Jesus that they had never been slaves to any, claiming Abrahamic heredity (John 8:33). The liberty given to us however is neither a license nor freedom to commit sin. If this is so, then one returns to slavery! (Rom. 6:16).
The truth of the matter which was unrecognized by them is that, anyone who commits sin, is under the bondage of sin and is controlled, or manipulated by Satan (1 John 3:3-10). Are you truly in Christ? Do you know Christ? If yes, you have been set free by the Son of God. True liberty exists only in the Son of God. Align with Him today.
1. Oh Lord, help me not to lose my liberty in You.
2. Lord, deliver my family and I from the bondage of sins that deny us our blessings in You.
3. Father, make the Gospel more established in this nation than ever before, even in the face of cruel persecution.
• Divine favourites do not waste their time in frivolities but use free moments to appreciate their God.
• Wonders will never cease.
• Moses began writing the first five books of the Bible around 1,500B.C.
• And the Lord said to Moses, "Why do you cry to Me? Tell the children of Israel to go forward." - Exodus 14:15
• The Lord is my God and my strength, my trust and my buckler, in the name of Jesus.