How God Prepares People He Uses (II)


 Read: Galatians 4:1-4
 MEMORISE: _Even so we, when we were children, were in bondage under the elements of the world_ (Galatians 4:3).

God’s process of making us has time span, depending on individual’s reaction to God’s training. So, this second part will be based on how to wait for God’s timing and timetable for your life and ministry. This time span can be likened to incubation period on God’s school of leadership. God controls the times and seasons (Gal.4:40). God has planned our training and preparation. Throughout biblical and modern history, God has taken time to prepare people for the things He asks them to do. The moulding process to become the kind of believers God wants, does not happen overnight. It is a gradual process.

God will keep us waiting until we gain training and experience for the area of the ministry He wants us to operate. He does it on His own timetable .(Eccl. 3:11; Ps 110:3). David was a perfect example of man who waited for his own time. While he was ordained by Prophets Samuel at his tender age to become the King in place of Saul, David still learnt the way of waiting upon the Lord. David had to wait for 25years between the time he was identified as the next king and when he actually ascended the throne (2 Sam.2:1-4; 5:1-5). He had every opportunity to proclaim or declare himself the king over Israel while Saul was still alive, after all, he had been ordained God and anointed through Samuel the prophet. One of the perils of leadership is for one to occupy leadership position prematurely. Be sensitive enough to follow divine timetable for your life and ministry.

During David’s waiting time, the first price he paid for his leadership position was learning to serve. Service is a good preparation to lead. When he was tending and protecting his father’s flock all alone in the desert place, God developed the heart of service in him and later continued in this act under Saul (1 Sam. 16:14-23; 18:8-15). You cannot be a good leader, until you have learnt to be a good follower. God is still making and preparing people today. Circumstances may be different and the time frame may be long or short, but the characteristics of the training are still the same. Don’t try to shortcut your desert time that God has determined for your life and ministry. Learn to exercise patience as God is gradually moving you toward fulfilment of your life and ministry.

 1. Lord, I receive the grace to patiently wait upon You for the fulfilment of Your plan for my life and ministry.
 2. I kick against hasty spirit in me that is not ready to follow divine process, in Jesus’ name.
 3. Pray for those who have boycotted the divine process to come to their senses before it will be too late for them.

• I will be glad and rejoice in Thee O Lord, I will sing praises to Thy name, in the name of Jesus.
• Honour the Lord with your possessions, And with the first fruits of all your increase; So your barns will be filled with plenty, And your vats will overflow with new wine. - Proverbs 3:9,10
• Knowledge in youth is wisdom in age.
• You cannot wear Jesus Christ and not be treated like Him. This is the only true way to stay in dominion.
• Prayer produces power.


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