How God Prepares People He Uses (I)


 Read: Jeremiah 18:1-6
 MEMORISE: _Then the word of the LORD came to me, saying: "O house of Israel, can I not do with you as this potter?" says the LORD. "Look, as the clay is in the potter's hand, so are you in My hand, O house of Israel”_ (Jeremiah 18:5,6).

God has different ways to make and prepare people for what He has planned for them. To become all that God has planned for you, you have to pass through the divine process that He has ordained for you. When God calls a person, He brings him or her through sanctification process to separate him or her from his or her old life. It will be disastrous to put new wine inside the old wineskin. We are the clay in the potter’s hand (God), He has to mould us to the pattern fit for His own purpose for our lives (Isa.64:8).  The truth of the matter is that, if we fail to turn out as expected of Him, He starts over again, until we become better, as seemed good for God to make us  (Jer.18:4). God makes and prepares each of us in a unique way. God often uses multiple streams of making process of preparation for us.

Some of the Bible people who passed through the divine process are briefly discussed as follows: Joseph: God prepared Him through dreams, family betrayal, being lied against, imprisonment and ability to interpret dreams.
Moses: He was prepared through and supernatural protection at birth, formal education, being bilingual and bicultural, serving as a servant, doing menial tasks and keeping his father in law’s flock  (Acts 7:20-22).
Esther: She was made and prepared through physical attributes, decent living, and relationship with her uncle.
Paul: H was prepared with strict and legalistic religiousity. Through the family and connection he was born into, the training he received, the positions he held, and the time of obscurity, He excelled.

The glory and divine outcome that God predestined for you becomes negatively affected when you boycott divine process. God has to make and prepared you to fulfil the plan He has for your life. Unlike the prodigal son in the Bible, you have to be made before you will be given your own portion in the Kingdom. Unmade person is a waste and he cannot keep what is given to him. Cooperate with God and accept His own ways of making the people He uses.

 1. Lord, I pray for capacity to endure the agony of passing through divine process, for the fulfilment of your plan for my life, in Jesus’ name.
 2. Lord, let your will be done in my life as You work upon me to fulfil your original plan for my life.
 3. Lord, help your entire ministers that have higher callings to submit themselves to your divine pruning.

• I establish, the power of God upon you, o earth, bless my destiny, in the name of Jesus.
• If you do not displace the old man, you cannot put on Jesus.
• Don't miss opportunities that come along.
• As it is written: "There is no one righteous, not even one; there is no one who understands, no one who seeks God. - Romans 3:10-11
• Unless a person is committed to Jesus Christ, he will choose security over liberty.


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