Do Not Be A Wicked Neighbour


Read: Leviticus 19:13-18
MEMORISE: The soul of the wicked desires evil; His neighbor finds no favor in his eyes (Proverbs 21:10).

When you live next to, or near another person, you become his or her neighbour and vice versa. Those people you share boundary with in the market place, are your neighbour, as you too have been their neighbour. Today, God has this massage for you that you should avoid being a wicked neighbour. In a very simple term, a wicked neighbour is the one who is morally bad to the people around him or her. According to our memory Scripture, a wicked neighbour always desires evil to the people around him; he is always suspicious of them and never sees anything good in the people. A wicked neighbour is a great calamity, just as a good one, is a great advantage. Who are you? (Read Ex. 20:16-17; Lev. 19:13; Deut. 19:14; Ps 15:3; 28:3; Pro.3:28).

 Assuming you are one of the fifteen people sharing boundaries together in a particular street as co-landlords, and you always complain about the remaining fourteen people, you are the one to check yourself very well. If you are a kind of person other people find it difficult to live with, you need to work upon your character. Being a wicked neighbour is a costly game everyone needs to do away with. It can cost one his reputation, protection, dignity, and most importantly, it can cost one his own very life. If you are wicked to everybody around you, who will keep you aware when evil thing is coming to you? It is the will of our Lord Jesus Christ to love our neighbours (Mark 12:31). Do not forget your neighbours could be anybody. John Calvin in his Golden booklet of the True Christian life says, “The Lord commands us to do good unto all men without expectation, though the majority are very undeserving when judged according to their own merits…”.

 As a Christian, you must see yourself as a mirror to your neighbours, and in that mirror, they must see the reflection of Jesus, if that mirror is cloudy or distorted, Jesus’ reflection will be so vague, and hardly be seen. Therefore, always take care of your character to reflect Christ well in your neighbourhood. A normal Christian life should be an extension of heaven on earth

1.  I refuse to be a wicked neighbour where I live, work and play in Jesus’ name.
2.  Lord, grant me ability to be a good example for the unbelievers in my environment, so that we will be good representatives of You among unbelievers.
3.  Lord, give us all the enablement to love our neighbours as ourselves.

• Most of the things that come our way are products of our confession. Stop calling negative things to yourself!
• The man began to prosper, and continued prospering until he became very prosperous. - Genesis 26:13
• Excellence is not an accident. There is a way to do it better. May you find it!
• Every man has his price.
• Father, we thank You for Your gracious hand of love and friendship.


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