The Love Of God


Read Romans 5:1-10

But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8).

The Bible is plain on ways in which divine love is extended to the entire human race, even while we both defy and not deserve it. It is doubtful, if the word LOVE can be truly defined, expressed and described either in words or deed without consulting and resorting to God and His Holy Scriptures. God remains the total embodiment of love. He is Love personified, the beginning and end of love (Jn. 3:16). His, is the type of love that contradicts the artificial, conditional, ephemeral, superficial, political and phony love.
The Bible does not say, “He loves us because we love Him,” neither, “He loves us when we came to Him.” Rather, “while still sinners, He demonstrated His unconditional love” (Rom. 5:8, paraphrased). This love is so unique that it is not racially oriented; it is universal. What an unquantifiable love! It is not enough to be describing this if we fail to reciprocate the kind gesture and also check if our love is ‘because of…’ or ‘in spite of…’
If God has loved (and still loves) us for what we are, rather than who we are, it is important we demonstrate this among ourselves and to others. When you ‘love’ because of what somebody might ‘offer’ you, you have not truly loved. Many we think ‘love’ our nation/mission are only seeking comfortable zones and enviable positions (2 Sam. 1:13-17), and when they get them, they bolt away like scared doves. How is your love to, and for others? Check up now and make necessary adjustments.

1. Father, I ask for grace to love like You in every way.
2. Lord, restore the spirit of true love in our churches, among the ministers and the members at all levels.
3. Lord, help Your Church to make Your love known to the aching world through all the means You have provided, without fear or favour.


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