God's Expectation And Inspection
MEMORISE: Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with Me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done. (Rev 22:12)
It is often said that, "People often do what you inspect, no what you expect". This is to say that human beings naturally won't do what they know is right until they are supervised with very regular and close monitoring. And our expectations are always high on people only to meet with disappointments, heartbrokenness, because we only expect but seldom inspect.
However, God our Creator does not only expect certain things to be done by us but also conscientiously inspects them (Psalm 14:2). For instance, He gave King Saul an assignment through Prophet Samuel in 1 Samuel 15. He didn't stop at that; He went ahead to inspect it. Otherwise, how would He have known that the king exercised half obedience if he wasn't well monitored by His unsearchable spiritual monitoring mechanism?
Every leader who only expects and fails to inspect will have his or her hope dashed on efficiency and effectiveness (Matt 20:1ff). It us God's expectation that we live a holy life fully (1 Thess 4:3-5). He expects us to be totally obedient to His injunctions (cf. Deut 28:1). He wants total trust and confidence in Him alone, having jettisoned other gods served in the ignorant days! (1 Cor. 12:2).
However, God's people are sometimes disobedient and rebellious by neglecting the total counsel of the Almighty! (Jer 6:16). God gives times to all of us to amend our ways on His expectations before the Great Day of Divine Inspection! (Zeph 1:14ff). If Jesus comes for inspection today, are you ready? Won't there be excuses? Remember God rejects excuses (Luke 14:16ff). God's day of inspection is near; be ready!
1. O Lord, let me live consciously as one who knows that he is being supervised by You.
2. Lord, let Your Spirit of holiness and faithfulness always moderate the desires and ambitions of our youths.
3. Lord, let every straying youth see the dangers of straying and return home to You with broken, contrite heart.
MEMORISE: Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with Me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done. (Rev 22:12)
It is often said that, "People often do what you inspect, no what you expect". This is to say that human beings naturally won't do what they know is right until they are supervised with very regular and close monitoring. And our expectations are always high on people only to meet with disappointments, heartbrokenness, because we only expect but seldom inspect.
However, God our Creator does not only expect certain things to be done by us but also conscientiously inspects them (Psalm 14:2). For instance, He gave King Saul an assignment through Prophet Samuel in 1 Samuel 15. He didn't stop at that; He went ahead to inspect it. Otherwise, how would He have known that the king exercised half obedience if he wasn't well monitored by His unsearchable spiritual monitoring mechanism?
Every leader who only expects and fails to inspect will have his or her hope dashed on efficiency and effectiveness (Matt 20:1ff). It us God's expectation that we live a holy life fully (1 Thess 4:3-5). He expects us to be totally obedient to His injunctions (cf. Deut 28:1). He wants total trust and confidence in Him alone, having jettisoned other gods served in the ignorant days! (1 Cor. 12:2).
However, God's people are sometimes disobedient and rebellious by neglecting the total counsel of the Almighty! (Jer 6:16). God gives times to all of us to amend our ways on His expectations before the Great Day of Divine Inspection! (Zeph 1:14ff). If Jesus comes for inspection today, are you ready? Won't there be excuses? Remember God rejects excuses (Luke 14:16ff). God's day of inspection is near; be ready!
1. O Lord, let me live consciously as one who knows that he is being supervised by You.
2. Lord, let Your Spirit of holiness and faithfulness always moderate the desires and ambitions of our youths.
3. Lord, let every straying youth see the dangers of straying and return home to You with broken, contrite heart.